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 Hi guys How are you . I know other people do this yo you want some knives hello internet people my name is Nicolas so the background before we get started if you don't know Vector Marketing is the marketing end of Cutco knives which basically means that they sell all of Kenko and there's no other distributors so just the background information in case you didn't already know if you couldn't tell I'm going to be talking about my experience with vector marketing and how it how it went so it started off about a month ago when I saw an ad on Craigslist geared towards I would say like high school seniors and college kids and it was talking about a marketing position didn't really give any details about what it was I thought well who knows I'll just click a clack and dine up or whatever to get into their system I guess it was just a link you put out a couple questions and then about two weeks later I got a text message from them which I thought was extremely weird but I I went with it and it was basically about scheduling an interview to get a part of the team which I as a struggling college student who needs money was definitely for so I filled out this second application and waited to hear back from them I guess and I really didn't speak with anyone on the phone which probably should have been assigned that what I was getting into was not healthy or right but I got a text back from I guess one of the secretaries and it said that I was scheduled for an interview on such-and-such day at such-and-such time and they'll be super excited to see me go to this address and it'll be exciting and everything and so my naive so was like alright I can get done with this when the day came from my interview I load up the 














address on my phone and get ready to go to this interview I'm all dressed up and everything but once I get to what the address sent me I realized that something is wrong because I don't see anything remotely close to vector marketing like nothing at all there wasn't like a building or a sign or anything around it was just some like fast-food parking lot and I was like hey something's up about this company but I somehow find my way over to their building I don't really know it's not really a building it was anyways but it was like two blocks down from where they had sent me with their address which okay no that's not how it works if I get there and what I get too is a like an old motel that they like ran down and turned into office buildings and not like a nice cold hotel those like Oh glamorous no it was like some ratchet as like piece that was out of some horror movie or something falling apart it was disgusting anyways so I get out of the my truck pull the truck I was driving and go into this interview and the first thing I notice once I get in there is like there's nothing on the walls or like anything in the room there's like one big bedroom I guess because it is a hotel there's just one desk for their secretary I guess that was taking phone calls and another with pamphlets there wasn't like anything on the walls if I got in there and they told me to go wait in a room and though they're having group interviews today first off this is the first time I heard about group interviews when they talked about this whole ordeal or text message to me about everything or whatnot I assumed I was having a one-on-one interview with whoever was in charge of hiring but no it was a group interview which I found out once I got there I feel like it's important information I should know before I go to the interview but I mean whatever I'm still down this whole process or if they don't really tell you what you're doing as part of the vector job or however they want to market it but they set you down and you have to tell another application to take the interview which is weird because it's a third application so far that they are making you fill out to get this job mmm I already filled out to calve me you called me in for an interview why do I have to fill out another application whatever I did it there's that like five or six other people in them and they did the same thing and then we handed with all of us hand in our applications to the person in charge I guess I don't know they didn't really it wasn't very organized or whatnot anyways then they call this all back into the head person's office and like sat us down all serious like and went through how we filled it out and then after that he said there's a next stage of the interview process and then he asked me if I have 60 to 90 minutes to do this second interview or group interview or whatever you want to call it I don't know they didn't really they weren't very specific on anything and first off I'm like maybe that's something you should tell me when I'm first signed up for this interview what if I scheduled this interview with like ten other interviews and I didn't have that time what that doesn't make any sense this whole system doesn't make any sense but I mean I wasn't doing anything that day so I was like sure I'll stay for your your demonstration interview whatever you want to call it all of the people pretty much all of them not pretty much that we're in the first round of applications or whatever we're in the same room for the second 60-minute hour-long interview group interview anyway so there wasn't like anyone cut this second 60-minute hour-long interview is basically just big infomercial about the products that we're going to be selling they cut like a penny and leather which let's be real one am I ever gonna have to use knives to cut a penny like that's just unrealistic it doesn't make any sense no it's just stop just so they go through this whole thing and this whole time they don't say a thing about what we're doing with our marketing is I'm assuming this whole time that we're like telemarketers or something like they're hiring us to call people and be like yo you want some nknives but no that's not really what' happening they just they just kind of gloss over the whole what you're going to be doing and just build up their whole vector company and Cutco company and this whole training process that they have is that's basically like an academy process but they don't really say what work we would be doing as like members of the company it's just kind of fluffed this whole 60 90 minute goes by and then you fill out another sheet of paper which is basically just like hey did you kill someone like have you committed a felony do you have a car blah blah blah blah and then on the back of this it asks they asked to put like a bunch of people's names with phone numbers in case they want a job as well which this whole time to this interview they're talking about how jobs and getting the position add vector is super lucrative and no one ever gets it and we're super selective on everyone and they don't really have that many positions available but if they didn't have that many positions available why would they ask you to like recommend more people to start working like that doesn't make any sense so every saw this sheet of paper or whatever they call everyone back into the office of the head manager guy I don't really know you call him but they call him back and everyone goes back into his office but one by one so like it takes flippin forever to get through this this whole second third interview at this point I guess I don't know but this was one on one so it kind of makes sense so you go back there and he talks to you well at least waited to me if you went through everything and the whole oh we don't hire anyone we don't we don't really hire people and you stood out so much about all the applicants bla bla bla bla bla kind of you know first off he told me that I got the position because I am such an excellent a candidate but then after he tells me that I'm in the position he goes through the bubble sheet of like all that he ha they had us do and when I sold it out I accidentally put that I had like committed a felon which obviously I have jokes like he offered me the position without like questioning that I had committed a felon um what no that's not how it works maybe you should not hire felon no I missed it I did not mean to press that like bubble that in or whatever anyways so then they tell me I got the position or and that I'll have training in like three weeks oh yeah back to the stupid training thing I totally forgot about that in the sixty to ninety minute interview interview I don't even know if you want to call it interview is basically just an inter if i dint emerge they talked about the training that all the vector employees have to do and it's basically a three-day Ted like six seven eight hours those three days of training about marketing and how to sell knives perfectly and blah blah blah blah blah blah but this whole training thing which is like a total of like 24 or 30 hours is not paid for you don't get paid to do that like it's totally you to show up for seven hours a day and you get nothing out of it which hello what kind of business are you going to go to where you don't get paid for training that makes no sense to me no sense back to Bechtel we're in the third interview signs me up for training I didn't sign me up for training for like three weeks come on I just you said I got the job but you're not going to train me for three weeks I can't even like get started on this this makes no sense whatever I shook hands smiled nicely said my pleases and thank-yous or whatnot and then I was I got out of there like they didn't really give you anything to give you like a pamphlet those kind of shitty I could definitely do anything well get a hold of you when it's time to do your whatnot whoo-ha whatever I'm like yeah at this point I still say I'm still thinking that I got a telemarketing job calling up people called going to random people's houses if you sign up for this and then I'll be selling knives to like strangers and stuff and they'll be chill and Wester marketing will just provide me people to go to and sell stuff I bring it back to my house and I like start researching fector unlike become super skeptical first off they don't even tell you in this whole process what you're doing the time you're going to be selling knives but they don't tell you you're going to be selling knives to your family and your friends so if you don't have rich family and friends you're not getting anything also pay doesn't make any sense they tell you that you're going to get oh rules and oodles of money but you only get eagles into those of money as long as you have clients and people to sell nice to but you're only selling knives to your friends and your family like you're not selling them to people that the vector or the company is telling you to you are selling knives and you're pretty much doing like a middle school bake sale too your parents accept these cookies cost like three four hundred dollars for one night like no that's not going to happen in any world where your broke-ass mother who can't do anything like no this this whole system didn't make any sense so I keep researching them well like what what what is going through vector the companies what is going through their mind like this doesn't make any sense  why would they know this this this job and this whole setup just seems so fake it was just such a weird experience and I mean after that I obviously did not go to training or anything because I kind of realized it was a scam and not worth my time like I'm not going to invest so much time and to the stupid training not even get money then not get money because I don't know rich enough people and I don't haven't know enough people to sell nice it doesn't make any sense I'm not gonna waste my time on this stupid thing and what I could do other things have fun with my summer for one I don't know or like actually work at my other job where I get actual money instead of fake future money I don't know they sell good stuff I guess if you want to spend 300 $400 on a knife go go ahead sell it but like nah like that's not for me and I just think the whole system is kind of bulging up and just doesn't make any sense be sure if you liked this video give it a big thumbs up down below don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already and you like the kind of videos I make I post every Tuesday and Friday if I have a chance to Michael Vimeo if I don't then I don't oops and I'll be able to date bye.

 Hi guys How are you . I know other people do this yo you want some knives hello internet people my name is Nicolas so the background before we get started if you don't know Vector Marketing is the marketing end of Cutco knives which basically means that they sell all of Kenko and there's no other distributors so just the background information in case you didn't already know if you couldn't tell I'm going to be talking about my experience with vector marketing and how it how it went so it started off about a month ago when I saw an ad on Craigslist geared towards I would say like high school seniors and college kids and it was talking about a marketing position didn't really give any details about what it was I thought well who knows I'll just click a clack and dine up or whatever to get into their system I guess it was just a link you put out a couple questions and then about two weeks later I got a text message from them which I thought was extremely weird but I I went with it and it was basically about scheduling an interview to get a part of the team which I as a struggling college student who needs money was definitely for so I filled out this second application and waited to hear back from them I guess and I really didn't speak with anyone on the phone which probably should have been assigned that what I was getting into was not healthy or right but I got a text back from I guess one of the secretaries and it said that I was scheduled for an interview on such-and-such day at such-and-such time and they'll be super excited to see me go to this address and it'll be exciting and everything and so my naive so was like alright I can get done with this when the day came from my interview I load up the address on my phone and get ready to go to this interview I'm all dressed up and everything but once I get to what the address sent me I realized that something is wrong because I don't see anything remotely close to vector marketing like nothing at all there wasn't like a building or a sign or anything around it was just some like fast-food parking lot and I was like hey something's up about this company but I somehow find my way over to their building I don't really know it's not really a building it was anyways but it was like two blocks down from where they had sent me with their address which okay no that's not how it works if I get there and what I get too is a like an old motel that they like ran down and turned into office buildings and not like a nice cold hotel those like Oh glamorous no it was like some ratchet as like piece that was out of some horror movie or something falling apart it was disgusting anyways so I get out of the my truck pull the truck I was driving and go into this interview and the first thing I notice once I get in there is like there's nothing on the walls or like anything in the room there's like one big bedroom I guess because it is a hotel there's just one desk for their secretary I guess that was taking phone calls and another with pamphlets there wasn't like anything on the walls if I got in there and they told me to go wait in a room and though they're having group interviews today first off this is the first time I heard about group interviews when they talked about this whole ordeal or text message to me about everything or whatnot I assumed I was having a one-on-one interview with whoever was in charge of hiring but no it was a group interview which I found out once I got there I feel like it's important information I should know before I go to the interview but I mean whatever I'm still down this whole process or if they don't really tell you what you're doing as part of the vector job or however they want to market it but they set you down and you have to tell another application to take the interview which is weird because it's a third application so far that they are making you fill out to get this job mmm I already filled out to calve me you called me in for an interview why do I have to fill out another application whatever I did it there's that like five or six other people in them and they did the same thing and then we handed with all of us hand in our applications to the person in charge I guess I don't know they didn't really it wasn't very organized or whatnot anyways then they call this all back into the head person's office and like sat us down all serious like and went through how we filled it out and then after that he said there's a next stage of the interview process and then he asked me if I have 60 to 90 minutes to do this second interview or group interview or whatever you want to call it I don't know they didn't really they weren't very specific on anything and first off I'm like maybe that's something you should tell me when I'm first signed up for this interview what if I scheduled this interview with like ten other interviews and I didn't have that time what that doesn't make any sense this whole system doesn't make any sense but I mean I wasn't doing anything that day so I was like sure I'll stay for your your demonstration interview whatever you want to call it all of the people pretty much all of them not pretty much that we're in the first round of applications or whatever we're in the same room for the second 60-minute hour-long interview group interview anyway so there wasn't like anyone cut this second 60-minute hour-long interview is basically just big infomercial about the products that we're going to be selling they cut like a penny and leather which let's be real one am I ever gonna have to use knives to cut a penny like that's just unrealistic it doesn't make any sense no it's just stop just so they go through this whole thing and this whole time they don't say a thing about what we're doing with our marketing is I'm assuming this whole time that we're like telemarketers or something like they're hiring us to call people and be like yo you want some nknives but no that's not really what' happening they just they just kind of gloss over the whole what you're going to be doing and just build up their whole vector company and Cutco company and this whole training process that they have is that's basically like an academy process but they don't really say what work we would be doing as like members of the company it's just kind of fluffed this whole 60 90 minute goes by and then you fill out another sheet of paper which is basically just like hey did you kill someone like have you committed a felony do you have a car blah blah blah blah and then on the back of this it asks they asked to put like a bunch of people's names with phone numbers in case they want a job as well which this whole time to this interview they're talking about how jobs and getting the position add vector is super lucrative and no one ever gets it and we're super selective on everyone and they don't really have that many positions available but if they didn't have that many positions available why would they ask you to like recommend more people to start working like that doesn't make any sense so every saw this sheet of paper or whatever they call everyone back into the office of the head manager guy I don't really know you call him but they call him back and everyone goes back into his office but one by one so like it takes flippin forever to get through this this whole second third interview at this point I guess I don't know but this was one on one so it kind of makes sense so you go back there and he talks to you well at least waited to me if you went through everything and the whole oh we don't hire anyone we don't we don't really hire people and you stood out so much about all the applicants bla bla bla bla bla kind of you know first off he told me that I got the position because I am such an excellent a candidate but then after he tells me that I'm in the position he goes through the bubble sheet of like all that he ha they had us do and when I sold it out I accidentally put that I had like committed a felon which obviously I have jokes like he offered me the position without like questioning that I had committed a felon um what no that's not how it works maybe you should not hire felon no I missed it I did not mean to press that like bubble that in or whatever anyways so then they tell me I got the position or and that I'll have training in like three weeks oh yeah back to the stupid training thing I totally forgot about that in the sixty to ninety minute interview interview I don't even know if you want to call it interview is basically just an inter if i dint emerge they talked about the training that all the vector employees have to do and it's basically a three-day Ted like six seven eight hours those three days of training about marketing and how to sell knives perfectly and blah blah blah blah blah blah but this whole training thing which is like a total of like 24 or 30 hours is not paid for you don't get paid to do that like it's totally you to show up for seven hours a day and you get nothing out of it which hello what kind of business are you going to go to where you don't get paid for training that makes no sense to me no sense back to Bechtel we're in the third interview signs me up for training I didn't sign me up for training for like three weeks come on I just you said I got the job but you're not going to train me for three weeks I can't even like get started on this this makes no sense whatever I shook hands smiled nicely said my pleases and thank-yous or whatnot and then I was I got out of there like they didn't really give you anything to give you like a pamphlet those kind of shitty I could definitely do anything well get a hold of you when it's time to do your whatnot whoo-ha whatever I'm like yeah at this point I still say I'm still thinking that I got a telemarketing job calling up people called going to random people's houses if you sign up for this and then I'll be selling knives to like strangers and stuff and they'll be chill and Wester marketing will just provide me people to go to and sell stuff I bring it back to my house and I like start researching fector unlike become super skeptical first off they don't even tell you in this whole process what you're doing the time you're going to be selling knives but they don't tell you you're going to be selling knives to your family and your friends so if you don't have rich family and friends you're not getting anything also pay doesn't make any sense they tell you that you're going to get oh rules and oodles of money but you only get eagles into those of money as long as you have clients and people to sell nice to but you're only selling knives to your friends and your family like you're not selling them to people that the vector or the company is telling you to you are selling knives and you're pretty much doing like a middle school bake sale too your parents accept these cookies cost like three four hundred dollars for one night like no that's not going to happen in any world where your broke-ass mother who can't do anything like no this this whole system didn't make any sense so I keep researching them well like what what what is going through vector the companies what is going through their mind like this doesn't make any sense  why would they know this this this job and this whole setup just seems so fake it was just such a weird experience and I mean after that I obviously did not go to training or anything because I kind of realized it was a scam and not worth my time like I'm not going to invest so much time and to the stupid training not even get money then not get money because I don't know rich enough people and I don't haven't know enough people to sell nice it doesn't make any sense I'm not gonna waste my time on this stupid thing and what I could do other things have fun with my summer for one I don't know or like actually work at my other job where I get actual money instead of fake future money I don't know they sell good stuff I guess if you want to spend 300 $400 on a knife go go ahead sell it but like nah like that's not for me and I just think the whole system is kind of bulging up and just doesn't make any sense be sure if you liked this video give it a big thumbs up down below don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already and you like the kind of videos I make I post every Tuesday and Friday if I have a chance to Michael Vimeo if I don't then I don't oops and I'll be able to date bye.

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