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 Everyone welcome back to the channel so in this all-inclusive tutorial we are going to go step by step showing you exactly how to get started with affiliate marketing some different traffic routes we're gonna talk about paid traffic versus free traffic but we're really gonna go in-depth in affiliate marketing to show you everything that you need to know when it comes to making money as an affiliate marketer now the one thing I hate that I have to disclaim this but look I'm not selling any products I'm not trying to get you to buy my affiliate marketing course that I'm selling for $1000 I'm not doing any of that because the truth is I don't sell any online courses this is totally free information you can learn all of this for free on the internet with YouTube tutorials and a number of other different resources so with that said let's get started with this video if you're new here to the channel make sure you subscribe for mor videos like this we do our best to bring out as many marketing videos as possible but this is a very very fun opportunity and I'm very excited that you landed on this video.




 I recommend you take out a pen take out a piece of paper and let's jump into this now so first of all affiliate marketing we're gonna talk about exactly what it is and some strategies and some of my best pointers for how to get a higher conversion rates and how to just essentially make more money with this process because in the past few years my brother Mike and I have scaled up our affiliate marketing businesses to generating thousands of dollars per month and we'll show you exactly how we do that will actually take you into some of our accounts I suppose we could do that in this video as well but what I love about affiliate marketing and the reason why I think it is the best opportunity to get started with as a business is because it's totally free to start you don't have to have money to buy products and then sell products I see a lot of people who want to start a business or they want to started generating money and they think that they need to have money to make money now the truth be told it is easier to make money when you already have money but with the affiliate marketing you really don't have to have anything now as you can see in this video it's probably best to start with $100 or $200 just to get the ball rolling a little bit faster but if you want to you could literally start with $0 there really is no threshold for that so that's one of  the best things about it there's really no barrier to entry when it comes to making money as an affiliate marketer so it's incredibly lean as a start-up and so with this almost nothing to lose there's almost no risk associated with this now maybe there's some small levels of risk like time for example putting in your time but I can promise you this that if you follow some of these steps in this video you're going to find is that it's almost impossible to fail and to not make money with some of these things that we can be doing so the first thing that I want to do is we need to clear up the air a little bit about affiliate marketing and kind of look at how it's gone in the past five 10 15 years it's actually been around for quite some time it's been around really since the 90s but in practice it's almost been around before the internet I'll give you an example here so the way that affiliate marketing will work is essentially what you will do is you as the affiliate marketer can choose to promote products for businesses and every time that somebody buys a product or you get a lead or a sale for somebody who bought that product you will get a commission or a piece of the pie so think if I'm going to get you to sign up for a a product let's say that I'm gonna get you to sign up for a bank account and we'll actually talk about one of my youtube channels which has about 500,000 subscribers and how I do affiliate marketing on that through free traffic sources but let's say that I get somebody to sign up for a bank account through a link right so as an affiliate marketer that Bank might give me $100 or 150 dollars for every person who clicks on my designated link because how affiliate marketing works is you'll get a designated link and every time somebody clicks on it and then makes a purchase through that link you will get money from that so that's what affiliate marketing works you're going out and marketing products for businesses and then they're gonna give you money for doing that for every time you're making a sale every time you're making a commission so what's great about this is that you can scale it very rapidly and very quickly I've seen people and I kid you not I have a lot of friends who have gone from zero dollars a month to literally making five figures monthly 10 15 $20,000 a month with certain specific niches where we talk about some of the best niches as well in this video but this is just a goldenn opportunity and I'm genuinely excited that you landed on this video okay now one other benefit to affiliate marketing before we actually get into really the the depth of it talking about the different niches to get into the most profitable ones some different affiliate programs that you can join the other great thing about it is that you don't have to deal with customer service you don't to deal with people who bought your product who don't like it and they want returns when you're an affiliate marketer you're a third-party marketer where if if I'm selling if I'm going to market Nike shoes for example I can market the shoes make the sale and get the Commission I get the money in my pocket and then two months later if the person doesn't like the nike shoes and they want to return them in the Nike that's Nikes problem that's not my problem as an affiliate marketer so that's just one other benefit to this okay so let's talk about first of all the best niche to be in or the best category to be in as an affiliate 4:55marketer this is probably the first thing that you're going to want to think of when you go through this journey is what what area am I going to choose because the truth is you can actually market products in almost any  industry so regardless of what it is that you're thinking what type of industry you're thinking of or selling products I'm going to tell you this right now that most things on the internet most things that you can buy on the internet most software most most things that you'll be paying money for subscriptions even a lot of those have affiliate programs most companies even the biggest companies in the world they have affiliate programs and I'll actually show you how to access those later in this video as well so knowing that most companies have affiliate programs or that they're willing to mak ones for you I've had companies make affiliate programs for me simply because of the traffic that I was driving from some of my youtube channels but just know that most companies will have an affiliate program okay and so let's actually talk about niches and the best niches to be in now I'm gonna bring up one that I'm a little bit biased about and I'm simply biased about this because this is one that I actually kind of got started with with one of my youtube channels which was a great source for free traffic now one of those niches was actually in financials so what I learned is that in the financial industry so you can look at my youtube channel right here let me actually just pull it up for you perhaps so.

https://amzn.to/35pJdhP   https://amzn.to/3pUnsR0

https://amzn.to/3xpj9zD     https://amzn.to/3zs7uSc

https://amzn.to/2RRlrrZ      https://amzn.to/3zsPIyf

https://amzn.to/3gnofGO     https://amzn.to/2RQn2hK

https://amzn.to/3gnofGO      https://amzn.to/3cIbxjA

https://amzn.to/3glNPvR      https://amzn.to/3go34od

https://amzn.to/3vmDBj8     https://amzn.to/3grxB4B

https://amzn.to/3iIDlrY        https://amzn.to/2Trgy9I

https://amzn.to/35kAf5u      https://amzn.to/3xiTmZN


 I can show you exactly what I've been doing on this youtube channel now I have incredibly slow Wi-Fi right here but I will pull this up and I'll show you what I was doing on this channel and I'll show you how much money some of these videos made in the financial niche now this doesn't mean that you have to necessarily be in the financial niche I actually recommend that you don't go into it especially now because it's much more competitive than once was when I started this YouTube YouTube channel which has almost 500,000 subscribers now it's kind of weird it grows very fast that's something that you'll notice with with free traffic will also talk about paid traffic as well and how to run ads made plenty of videos on how to run ads if you want to do that as an affiliate marketer but just looking at some of the videos here on this channel a lot of these generally don't get anywhere between fifty thousand views and a million views or so depending on really kind of what the video is about but let's just take this video here for example of how I invest in 2020 and so if we scroll down you'll notice that there is a link in the description here right here there's a couple of links in the description now each one of these links is going to be an affiliate link for a financial product now financial products are something that pay pretty well so for example some of these banks like thi link right here if I click on this link it will take me to CIT Bank you can find them on commission junction and their base rate for affiliates as of now as of sometime in 2020 is $100 per sign up for a bank account so in this video I'm talking about investing and then at one point I'd likely say by the way if you want to open up a bank account a high end for savings bank account getting 1.75 percent interest click the link down below people go they click on this link and let's just say that out of one hundred and twenty thousand views that I got perhaps a thousand clicks onto this link and then from that from a thousand clicks let's say that I get a hundred people being extremely conservative a hundred people sign up for this bank and I get a hundred dollar Commission in my pocket for every person who signs up for it this is this is common knowledge you can look at this on CJ com Commission Junction we'll talk about that later as well but a hundred dollar Commission in my pocket times a hundred people who signed up from it from this video that's a hundred times 100 is about $10,000 in my pocket from this video that only got a hundred and twenty thousand views it's not some massive david dobrik 10 million viewed video it's doesn't have that many views compared to the standard on YouTube but it stills and has made thousands of dollars in the process so each one of these financial products can make a bit of money saying for m1 finance this is a brokerage firm that makes quite a bit of money but even something like this VPN right here so at one point in some of my videos I'll mention I'll say by the way VPN it'll just be a quick little ad that I'll do and I'll say it is an affiliate link I'd like to disclose that it is an affiliate link and I'll leave it down below in the description so then if people click on this it takes them to Noor VPN and I will get roughly I think my Commission has generally been about 45 or 47 dollars per person who's signing up for Nord VPN and if this page loads so for example right here you can look that they clicked on the link for Nord VPN and they can get it for a pretty discounted price and you might see that for example this this plan here you can sign up for a three-year plan for 349 a month that's a hundred and twenty-five dollars billed every three years there's what a lot of people sign up for and so I'm getting I don't remember the exact percentage that I'm getting for that but usually what I see them coming in is about $45 or so so I'm probably getting a 30 or 40 percent as a commission from Noor VPN and actually a lot of websites what we can do here if you're following along you can see that if you scroll down you'll see affiliate down here for Nord VPN this is actually one of my favorite things to promote which is VPN services because you can make quite a bit of money with them but you can become an affiliate and a lot of companies a lot of websites if you just scroll to the bottom will have a little tiny thing and say affiliates or join as an affiliate and you can go and look over there affiliate program and so with Nord VPN for example these are the Commission's and in the payout models that you would be expected to get if you're promoting them and if people are clicking on your link so you can see that with the one month off or we can get a hundred percent of the signup right so if if somebody gets a one month subscription to a VPN they paid $20 for it you've got $20 in your pocket now you'll also get renewals for each one of these so this means that years down the road and this is actually pretty amazing to see this happen because I actually have affiliates that I've gotten people to sign up for things years ago three years ago and I have recurring commissions coming in every single month so long as that person who signed up for it is paying for that subscription so these nuwell fees are really really a game changer because this can be the most passive income possible once you get people to sign up with things and look I need to make a big disclaimer here that I think it's important as an affiliate marketer one of the biggest things that I really think is essential is to have a high level of integrity so you know I think affiliate marketing sometimes gets  a bad rap from people because there's a lot of people out there who will just go out there and they'll promote crap the market crap they're not good products but they promote them anyway because they want the money they're greedy little people I don't know my philosophy from this and the way there's work for myself is I only choose to promote products that I myself use or that I myself think are very valuable products so for example I wouldn't work with CIT bank if I didn't think it was a good bank I wouldn't promote them I just wouldn't but I choose to because I like them as a bank I like noir VPN as a company so that's something I think you should just be very aware of going forward that don't get sort of short-sighted with the money especially if you're looking at a company and thinking about promoting them and you're thinking well I can make a lot of money from this company but you don't really like them you don't like their morals you don't like the the software that they have their product you just don't like it and if something about it sketches you out or you just think it's weird or that your followers or the people that you're marketing to might not get a lot of value from it then I personally would advise you to avoid promoting those products because the truth is there's so many products out there that we can promote that it's it's really easy to pick and choose and find ones that are truly great for you for paying you but also for the people who you're marketing to and that's just something that I think is really incredibly important so going back to niches and talking about the different types of niches that we can promote products and yes as you can see finance it works out very well for me I make essentially a full-time income off of this primarily YouTube channel here the Nate O'Brien YouTube channel a lot of that comes from affiliates and yes it does pay well but what I would suggest you doing is even if you're watching this video thinking oh wow may start a financial YouTube channel here or a financial blog I'm just gonna tell you now that I think it's best to choose a topic that you're truly passionate about and maybe you've heard people say is before but it really does hold a high level of truth to it now I've tried in the past to start blogs to start Facebook groups to start YouTube channels to start Instagram pages that were in topics or niches and I just didn't really care about and so if you want to get started with the affiliate marketing find a niche that you're passionate about if you absolutely love music guess what there are music products that you can promote you can promote a number of different streaming services there's a lot of things that you can promote in any different industry so don't don't go for finance honestly I think it's a little bit flooded right now it certainly does pay well but at the end of the day I would focus on things that you truly are very passionate about okay so that's kind of the topic on niches let's move on here to talk about whether or not you actually need a website now a lot of people have asked this question in the past and I actually get messages for people all the time on Instagram by the way if you enjoy this video make sure you follow me on Instagram I post all kinds of updates on there and I try to respond to DM sometimes it can't they get a little bit overwhelming sometimes but I get a lot of questions from people saying I want to do affiliate marketing where do I get traffic from do I need to have a website I don't want to make a youtube channel where do I get this traffic from so as I stated much earlier in this video there are two primary sources for traffic there's free traffic and there's paid traffic now for the purpose of this video we're gonna focus on free traffic and we're focusing on free traffic because as I stated very early in this video that there is very low risk and there's a very little that can go wrong with free traffic versus paid traffic for example if you're running ads on Google or Bing or Facebook or Instagram we actually do have videos showing people how to run ads on Google for example if you want to go about that route what I would suggest doing is if you're getting into affiliate marketing start with the free traffic route and then eventually you can start to dip your toes into paid traffic for affiliate marketing unless of course you already have a lot of experience running ads on Google on Bing on Facebook and you're willing to get into that right now then you could certainly go for it but you're gonna find those obviously slimmer margins when you're running paid traffic for example you can actually have your affiliate link promoted for certain things like for example if we type in best Bank right here right and let's see what comes up for the advertisements okay now a lot of these are going to be actual banks but if we look right here for example products go banking REITs calm this is actually almost definitely I've actually never been on this website before but this is most definitely an affiliate website see so they're actually running ads on Google as an affiliate marketer for these banks right here every time I click one of these green buttons boom they're gonna get probably I'm gonna guess $100 $200 really depends on the product but each one of these they're getting a good chunk of change and they're doing this as a paid ad now this looks really really cool because you can buy traffic and you can make money from that but as I said earlier I would be careful with that route there's a lot slimmer margins there's a lot more room for error and you're probably gonna want some deeper pockets because you're gonna have to have to do a lot of split testing to see what ads are gonna work best but once again we have a number of videos showing people how to run ads if you're interested in taking that route maybe a link to some of those videos down below in the description okay so what we're focusing on here is free traffic and people have asked me do I need to have a website if I want to become an affiliate marketer now the short answer is yes the long answer is not really okay so the short answer when you aren't actually applying for affiliate programs which we're gonna get into in the coming minutes here a lot of affiliate programs are actually going to ask you for a link to your website now this doesn't mean that you have to necessarily have your own website for example NATO Brian calm I do actually own that domain I haven't really fired it up too much yet but you don't have to necessarily have your own website but you're going to want some type of custom URL or at least some type of page that you can show to these companies that you're applying to become part of their affiliate program so for example what I do for a lot of the affiliate programs that I apply for when I put in the application I will say that my primary URL is youtube.com slash NATO Brian so at least it takes them to my homepage on YouTube and they can see that it is getting a lot of traffic on that YouTube channel or for this one here the channel that you're watching today media as youtube.com slash sanchow media if you have an Instagram page it could be Instagram comm slash your user name if you have a Facebook group you can have a custom URL for that as well so some type of custom URL is generally helpful to have it's going to get easier to become approved by affiliate programs but the biggest thing here is that if you want to get approved by affiliate programs you're gonna need a source of traffic okay so if you're looking for free traffic there's a couple of options that are available to you one of them is blogs blogs are great for generating a lot of traffic they have extremely high conversions and look I know it's 2020 but it's still not too late to start a blog so don't feel like you can't start one now if anything it's almost the best time to start a website or a blog now and trust me I have friends who make a lot of money from their blog so my friend Jeff Rose makes about two hundred and seventy six thousand dollars per month from his blog I kid you not you can go and go down that rabbit hole on your own if you want to but for the purpose of this video I'm you have to just believe me on this you can google this you can do your own research but I'm telling you that blogs make a lot more money than what people think I know personally until just last year I thought blogs were dead I thought who the hell reads blogs blogs don't make any money but the thing is about blogs is that be links your affiliate link can be embedded into a blog post and so it makes it much easier for people to click on it and much easier and much more likely for them to actually convert on those affiliate links of yours and so that's why the total amount of money that you're getting from 10,000 blog visits versus 10,000 youtube visits you're gonna get a lot more money from blogs in most cases so I'm actually gonna show you how to build a website here in about two minutes but first I want to show you some other traffic sources one of them obviously YouTube it's worked really well for me personally with my primary youtube channel with the nato brian channel it's it's obviously done quite well but a lot of people don't want to get onto youtube right they don't want to get in front of a camera and talk and the only thing I'll say about that is that first of all you definitely don't have to there's so many other routes but I found that it's actually you get a lot better at speaking over a course of time so I was an absolutely terrible speaker I couldn't put two sentences together two words together I was stumbling over my words I actually took down most of my old videos when I started about three years ago on this YouTube channel or on my my primary youtube channel because they were absolutely terrible videos I was like that I just couldn't talk I couldn't talk and I wasn't good at it I wasn't natural I'm naturally an introvert I'm not a people person but over time I've gotten a little bit better I like to think that I'm a little bit better at speaking I don't script these videos there's no teleprompter I'm just talking to a camera here I don't even have any notes really on this I wrote a couple of things down but it just becomes much easier over a period of time so don't be discouraged if you want to start with YouTube there's certainly a lot of traffic in that but some other real gems for affiliate marketing is actually a Facebook group Facebook groups are absolutely killer when it comes to affiliate marketing if you build a Facebook group they can grow organically we've done this in the past but I have friends who have for example credit card affiliate groups that are extremely extremely profitable where they'll have a a Facebook group that is about credit cards and then they will put their credit card affiliate links in the group which they own so they can pin it to the top it can pin their posts on the top they're highly active groups and they certainly are cash machine so you can start a Facebook group Instagram pages I've seen people start Instagram pages the only problem with Instagram is that it's harder to do affiliates with Instagram because you can't just put an affiliate link in a post but if you have over 10,000 followers on Instagram you can have the swipe up feature on your story so I have that from my personal Instagram I have a swipe up feature and that allows me to actually put an affiliate link in an Instagram post and I get money for every Instagram swipe up that I will post to my story on Instagram so that's certainly about as well but then there's other some some really other interesting ones as well like discord groups or reddit even now some people just kind of go around and we call these sort of like little salesman warriors where they'll go around and they're like answer of questions and forums and then put their affiliate link in there that's just too time-consuming I don't think it's really much worth it so if you're going like Quora and you're putting your affiliate link when when somebody asked a question of like what's the best VPN and you just put your affiliate link there and try to get them to click on your link I don't know how much of an effect that would really have I think there's better ways to do it than just kind of going out and responding to comments pushing your affiliate link and another one too is email marketing which is kind of sort of like a secondary to any other traffic source so it's hard to just build an email list organically but for example if you have a youtube channel or you have a blog or you have an Instagram or any other thing and you collect emails and then you can hit people with emails with affiliate marketing you can hit them with products where I will go to my email list of nearly a hundred thousand now and I'll send an email every once and again and I'll say hey this big product blah blah blah blah blah it's a good product I use it myself I actually like it and click the link right here and I'll get money from all of those emails as well so there's so many options out there we actually have a lot of videos on those topics if you're interested all right so let's now talk about how you're actually finding these of failure programs how do you find products to actually promote there's a couple ways to do this as I said there most companies have affiliate programs and so one of the ways you can do this is what I just showed you with Nord VPN is go down to the bottom of the page and you'll probably find an affiliate thing on a website if you don't see it there you could also just google it that's usually what I do or what you can do is you can look at a couple of these different affiliate programs I would join these affiliate networks there's some of the best they're not paying me to say this they're actually just some of the best ones that I use myself on the daily for both of my businesses here but one one that I want to show you here first of all we just have to discuss it because it's one that is sort of this rite of passage for everybody with affiliate marketing and that's Amazon Associates the reason for this is because you can promote anything on Amazon and get a commission get a piece of the pie from anything in everything that people buy on Amazon so I'll give you an example here a lot of people ask about my camera they say mate what camera do you use and if I leave a link for it I might as well leave the link for it down below in this video if you want to start a youtube channel to start with the failure marketing if I leave a link for this camera down below in the description somebody buys that camera for eighteen hundred dollars and for two thousand dollars let's say they buy it for $2,000 I get a four percent commission on that cam and so that is $2,000 times 4% which is gonna be about $80 in my pocket for somebody clicking my link in buying the camera now if we scroll down here we're on affiliate - programmed amazon.com you can just google this to find it we can actually look at their advertising fees to see how much money you would be getting for promoting products on Amazon now the cookie lengths it's it's what we call cookies or essentially how long your link is going to be active or tracked for example if somebody clicks on my Amazon affiliate link for the camera down below in the description and if they buy anything in everything on Amazon in the next 24 hours whatever they buy it doesn't matter if they buy the actual camera that I link to or if they buy something totally different I've had people buy all kinds of weird things with my links but let's say that they click in my link to buy a camera with my Amazon link and then they don't actually buy the camera they say I don't actually want the camera but the next morning they wake up it's still within that 24 hour period of after they clicked my link and they decide to buy a couch this has happened to me many times in past they know they decided to buy a couch or a sofa on Amazon they pay a thousand dollars for the couch well if we look at the chart here Furniture is an eight percent commission on Amazon so if they pay a thousand dollars for a couch I'm gonna get eighty dollars for them buying a couch for a camera that I linked to the day before it's really kind of bizarre but this is how it works and it's it's pretty cool and so Amazon I had to throw it in here because it is sort of a rite of passage but the problem with it is that even if you're selling account for a thousand dollars and I get $80 in my pocket it's still not that much money because the truth is most Amazon links you're gonna get like 50 cents for everything that people buy I'd link out to a lot of books in my videos on these videos we talked about you know the best book read the 4-hour workweek for example somebody buys that book I'll get like 50 cents in my pocket from an amazon link so it's really not that much money and there are better options out there besides just Amazon so let me actually take you over to this tab here which is actually going to be CJ so this is Commission Junction I believe they just call it CJ now I think they just drop the whole Commission Junction thing but CJ calm once again if they're not paying me to say this this is just something that I use quite a bit and so this is actually the account for for this channel that you're watching here we don't have a lot of affiliates on here but as you can see in the past week 680 bucks from just you know from a couple of products that we've been promoting and I'll click refresh you're like I'm not I'm not making this up guys you know I've been doing this for years here and it took a while to build this up I've extremely slow internet here but once it loads you'll see the key here is is not to just show you like what we're making here I guess we made fifty dollars yesterday from one sale of a product I'm gonna assume that's probably a VPN service we can go through and actually find out what it was but we're gonna go up to this tab up here and click on advertisers so sign up for an account for CJ after this video and you can just start to explore different advertisers that are out there that you can start with and so once this loads we'll see so many different options for companies that we can promote and a lot of them what's really cool about companies like CJ a lot of these companies on here are big companies that you've heard of like Nike or adidas or or some of your favorite streaming services potentially Hulu I don't think who's actually on here but just a lot of big names for example you probably see a lot of these that you recognize like 23andme right you probably recognize most of these brands here or a good portion of these brands and what we can do is we can go up here and we can actually sort by category and let's say that we are promoting something in education let's say that we go for for for education for college let's say that we're a college student and we want to promote certain educational products to college students let's see what comes up here so look the economy the economists test prep we have test prep things Petersons right we have a lot of different options here let's say that we are going to promote this one right here we click on it we read the terms and then we join the program you're going to see what types of things that you're gonna get so what it looks like is you're gonna get a 15% Commission for monthly orders totaling $2,500 or less and then an 18% Commission for orders over $2,500 and it's so for example if you want to promote access to this GMAT a tutor or for the GRE people who are going into for their masters I think I don't even know I don't even graduate college but there's one of them saying here is that there's a market for pretty much anything that you could and if you're promoting books you're promoting beauty products you're promoting automotive stuff you're promoting financial services there's something for everybody here and this is really what is so cool about this and guys I honestly just get too excited about this but for example Ally invest we want to promote Ally for banking or whatever it might be we click join program and we can get started with that and then what's gonna happen here is you're either gonna get an affiliate link right away right off the bat they're just gonna give you an affiliate link or you're gonna have to click join program apply for it they're gonna get back to you in a couple days and tell you yes you've been accepted to the program or no you have not been accepted to the program so I wanted to show you that but let me just take you over to this one as well which is impact AUV called impact radius I think they just like CJ they shortened their name to just impact comm this is another one that I was suggest signing up for very similar to CJ when it have a ton of different businesses on there a lot of which you are familiar with so if you're looking for products to promote I would suggest opening up accounts and then just scrolling through these and seeing what you can promote saying this would be a perfect match for my audience this would be a perfect match for my website a perfect match for my youtube channel and so that is really really what I wanted to show you here so what I'm gonna do now is I'm actually gonna walk you through how to set up a website because I think this is probably the best most important thing to do sort of this sort of mothership this big thing that you can drive all of your traffic from any other source from facebook from social media from YouTube from anything else from from paid advertising and really funnel it back to your website which is going to be your cash cow so let me show you how to do that in the coming minutes here I think it's gonna be really really exciting all right so to build this website you can just go to site ground comm slash go slash central click enter I'm gonna leave a link for it down below it is in philly a link because we're talking about affiliate marketing but if you want to find the best web hope web hosting services we have a lot of different options available to us you'll see site ground Bluehost Hostgator there are so many different companies out there that offer web hosting essentially what this means is that unless you're gonna have a server in your house not to get too technical but unless you have a server in your house you're gonna have to pay somebody to host your website it's not free you're gonna have to host it somewhere and so there's a cup of different options that are available to you now right now looks like they're running some type of a little bonus thing here that you can get three months for a $0.99 I don't know if this is gonna be around for a long time so I'm not quite sure I think this I usually don't see it at for $0.99 for three months so what I'm gonna try to do is I'm trying to get you guys the best discount and I'll leave that link down below if possible so what I'm gonna do is click on web hosting and you're gonna see a few different options available now if you are planning on running a site that is relatively large you're trying to get a hundred thousand visits or a month per month or more then you can go with something like the go geek option it's obviously up to you right now they're running a crazy promotion of for 33 cents a month for the base plan I've never seen it that cheap I think they're just doing this because of the current outbreak is you can read on the screen here this serious challenge to help more people get online they're offering this three months for only 99 cents that's that's probably not going to stay for a long period of time so if you're watching this video because I've never seen it that cheap it's probably gonna be more like 495 per month or more for the startup option but because we want to have all these other features we're gonna go with the go geek feature for this video so we're gonna click get plan and we're gonna go through a process now of registering a domain and then setting up our website I'm gonna walk you through every step of the process because this video is a full tutorial showing you how to get started with this and once at the end of this solid position to hit the ground running to really get going and to start pulling in money immediately or within the next 24 to 72 hours building websites can take a little bit of time I'm gonna show you some of the best tactics for that we actually have a lot of videos on these topics on this channel so if you want to delve into those you certainly can I'm gonna go with the Nate O'Brien show here then you know Bryan show.com because I'm probably starting a podcast at some time in the future so I figured I'll just grab this domain as far as the the ending here you can have calm you can org I would suggest going with dot-com I think people get a little bit sketched out when they see that online or dot blog or Don Academy they just look kind of weird I know whenever I'm on a site that's not a dot-com or a.net or a.org I get a little bit weird about it and I'm less likely to click on it and so from an SEO perspective from a search engine optimization perspective com is probably the best route to go so it's only 1595 per year for this if we already have a domain we can just click here and it'll take us through a process of transferring that domain but for this we're gonna click proceed now what's gonna come up next is going to be the the form that we're gonna fill out to actually go through the process of buying it I want to scroll down though and we'll look over a couple of different options and kind of upsells that they're gonna try to hit you with pretty much all web hosting services do this if you're trying to start a website so what I would do first of all the 12-month one is fine you can go for 36 but you're not gonna get that much of a better discount so a 12 month is just fine what you're going to want to click though is domain privacy this is so that it's going to give you a lot of privacy so that all of your personal information is not available out there there's something called the Whois registry and so this is going to protect your information so you know like random people showing up to your house every almost everybody clicks domain privacy to have this it's only an extra $12 a year one dollar a month so it's certainly worth it for that the SiteGround site scanner if you want this you can I do have this on my website but for the purpose of this video we're probably not gonna go for it right now for this so we will skip over that and then we'll click confirm on both of these all right so once we've done all that then we can just click pay now and then it'll take us to this next page and this is where it gets really interesting really fun but very important to pay close attention to what's going on here all right so we just went through the process now we just have to click proceed to a customer area and this is how we can actually start to build our website now what's great about this look it's not as complicated as what a lot of people would assume and I'm gonna be honest when I first started building websites I was thinking that you need to be some type of coding you have to know all types of different coding languages the truth is you don't have to do any of that you can just know none of that and still build a pretty good website now if there's any coders out there I know there's a still a lot of is like serious importance for that but to build a basic website and start getting traffic you don't need to have any necessary skills in order to do this and I'm gonna show you exactly how to set this up so what we're gonna do is we're going to click over here on websites and we're gonna start building our site here so we have Nate O'Brien show com I don't know what I'm actually gonna do with this domain but we're just going to kind of go with it and so we're gonna click complete here and I'm going to go through the process of actually starting a new website so we're gonna click select this and then we have options for how we are going to build this site now I'm gonna tell you this most web sites the biggest web sites in the world a lot of them almost all of them are built using WordPress this is essentially the go-to there's other ones as well you can see you can use WooCommerce with WordPress or you can use Weebly or there's other website builders as well I think what we'll do actually is if you want to build a website but you don't wanna go through this process I'll leave a link to Wix the Wix website builder potentially Squarespace you've probably seen their ads everywhere you can build websites on those as well although if you're really trying to build a massive site that can net a lot of affiliate revenues your best bet from my personal opinion is still gonna be through WordPress so we can click select on this and then we can actually set up our WordPress login and our password with this so let me just go through this process very quickly and then I'm gonna click continue here alright so now at this point we are going to add domain privacy go through the process of paying for domain privacy all right so now they are creating our site it might take just a little bit of time to get set up but once this gets set up you will have your live website and you can go into a separate tab and type in your website domain and look it up and you're gonna see your website it's gonna look pretty bad at first but there's actually a couple things we could do to really really make it look very good and very very quickly and then to start creating articles or start to put your YouTube videos in there and start to really build this up and start to rank for search and other terms that we can really start to get so our site creation is taking longer than usual probably because there's like fiv people streaming on this Wi-Fi right now at the same time so give me a second and then we'll get back to this alright so it looks like it went through we have to click web sites again and we can press on WordPress kit right here so we're on websites we go over to WordPress kit we click on it I go to WordPress admin logs us in here and this is going to be how we're gonna get started here so and so this is our WordPress page let me just log in very quickly and then we'll finally get to our website okay so here is our site they're gonna try to get us through some WordPress starter thing scroll down and click exit you don't have to go through that unless you truly want to but there's a faster way to kind of go through this process this here is our dashboard through SiteGround for our website so if we click on View site right here this is this is natal Brian show com this is what it looks like this is just another WordPress website we're gonna modify this quite a bit I'm gonna show you how to do this and how to really clean this up very quickly to start pumping out content on something like this and start to literally start printing money with this so what we can do is we can manage pages we can add pages on here so let's say that I want to make a page that's going to be let's say I want to make one about finance right let's say that I want to make one a page titled so let's say that I want to make a page titled for perhaps best bank accounts right so bank accounts or credit cards perhaps right and then so we can make new pages here publish that and we can start to start building pages on here to start building out our website and you can see just how quickly we can actually go through this process I mean at this point the amount of websites that I've built in the pass just two years here I could probably pump out like 10 websites in a day just basic websites basic skeletons of websites but enough to get started here to really really get the ball rolling so let's say that another one we want to do credit card reviews right so a lot of money and credit card reviews and so we're gonna make a page about credit cards and then publish that and then we'll kind of build out our pages and then if we want to change our themes if we want to change the appearance here we can add some plugins for example so if we go to plugins here or if we go to Elementor I'll leave a link for Elementor down below this is something that is a great way to build your website trust me on this that if you go to Elementor this is one of the best ways to actually start building a website it makes it super easy super easy to drag-and-drop things and as you can see here on the screen so I will even link to that down below it's going to be the fastest way to really kind of edit your website but if you want to install more plugins here you can certainly do that we can remove both of these we can deactivate SiteGround optimizer and we can deactivate the wordpress starter as well but then we can add new plugins if we click add a new plug-in here hopefully not going too fast I think what we're gonna do is I'm actually going to hopefully going to make some more in-depth through tutorials on how to actually start websites how to build out websites how  to really go through this process ton create beautiful sites and we'll probably do that in a separate video but I wanted to give you guys like the basics of getting started with this so a lot of these I would suggest downloading like Yoast SEO you're gonna go down some rabbit holes luckily we are gonna have you guys comfort for most of this so for the types of plugins to install going over your settings looking at your settings making sure that everything looks correct on there and yeah it's it's it's gonna be certainly a process if you click on permalinks here if you click on permalinks and you look at what you are your your settings are going to be for that you want post name is probably the best bet so that you're not gonna have a bunch of links on your website that looks like a bunch of random hieroglyphics just numbers and stuff so look I want to leave you guys with that for the website you can go down that that rabbit hole and venture into websites but as far as traffic goes yes I think a web site is the best thing to funnel things back to because that's going to behind the highest conversion rate by far compared to any other things the biggest thing to is building some type of brand rather than just kind of going out there and being a Salesman that's why for my primary youtube channel which a lot of that my affiliate revenue comes from my primary youtube channel I build this brand of it's me I talk to my viewers like they're my friends and once again as I said earlier in the video I only promote products that I actually like but because they trust me because my viewers trust me I actually get higher conversion rates because they know that any products I'm promoting that I'm telling them that there's an affiliate link below they know that I'm not promoting a bad product cuz I've made it very clear that I only promote good products that I actually use myself and so it gives you a higher level of integrity which actually in most cases actually gets better conversion rates so build a brand whether it's your personal brand or whether it is your own website or your own business come up with a brand register your business in your state in your country but I don't have to do potentially get some trademarks this is a great route to go we have so nmany other affiliate marketing videos on this channel as well alright so I think that wraps up this video thanks for watching if you found any value make sure you drop a like and preach I would appreciate all the support subscribe to the channel if you haven't done so already thank you for making this far in some value in it once again all this content is free we put as much .

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